Asset Packs Manager [Beta] v1.1.1

Cities Skylines 2 Mods |

Asset Packs Manager [Beta] v1.1.1

Unofficial Custom Assets are highly experimental. They WILL crash your game at some point or throw errors. Create redundant copies of your save files and use at your own risk. There has not been a lot of testing done on custom assets, and I’m publishing this project to get feedback from the community.

Asset Packs Manager (Formerly Asset Importer)
This mod allows you to import custom assets into the game. Custom Assets are already partially supported by the game and this mod allows to share Asset Packs on PDX Mods using Custom Asset Packs. Please visit the GitHub Page to find a list of currently available Asset Packs. Be careful using Custom Assets and this mod. It is a very early stage

– Support for Playsets
– Support for Thumbnails
– Support for Localization (Using L18N Everywhere)

Planned Features
– Create reports with broken/missing assets
– Asynchronous Asset Loading
– Enable/Disable Asset Packs ingame

Resources for Asset Creation
This section will include videos, knowledge bases and other resources to help you create your own assets.

Author: Mimonsi
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FS25 Mods

Discover the world of Cities: Skylines 2 Mods and take your gaming experience to the next level. The Cities: Skylines 2 Asset Packs Manager [Beta] v1.1.1 Mod download process is simple and easy to follow. Just save the file to your PC and follow the instructions – it's that easy!

Useful Information: How to Install Cities: Skylines 2 Mods | Cities: Skylines 2 Tips | Cities: Skylines 2: Everything we Know | Cities: Skylines 2 Release Date | Cities: Skylines 2 System Requirements | Cities: Skylines 2 Cheats | Cities: Skylines 2 News

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