Cities: Skylines 2 Release Date
Finally, the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved Cities Skylines game is on the horizon, with a scheduled release date of 2023. According to Paradox Interactive, Cities Skylines 2 promises to be “the most realistic city builder ever,” offering players the ability to create and manage their cities without any restrictions. The development team is focused on creating an entirely open experience that is limited only by the player’s imagination, which is a significant leap forward from the previous game.
In addition to its improved gameplay, Cities Skylines 2 will be available on both consoles and PC at launch, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the expansive and challenging city-building simulator.
When is the Cities Skylines 2 release date?
Although Cities Skylines 2 is confirmed to release in 2023, the developer has not yet provided a specific launch date. While it is possible that the game will be available by the end of the year, recent trends of major title delays make it difficult to predict. Rest assured, we will update this page as soon as the official release date is announced. Cities Skylines 2 release date is Tuesday, October 24, 2023.