City Player Traffic Custom Mod v0.1.2
This mod anticipates performance improvements in a realistic and efficient PathFind, add Rush Hour system, and enables Random Dummy Traffic and citizens to adjust their Transportation Preferences.
By dividing the process of finding your destination and the actual process of finding your way, you can expect to improve your performance by changing the way you find your way efficiently and the way you find your home. It realistically changes the way some transportation choices are made, and as consumer patterns are applied, traffic volume changes more realistically. In addition, random traffic volume and citizens’ preference for transportation can be adjusted to derive the desired traffic volume. Additionally, we created a “Rush Hour System” for the fun of the game, which makes the city’s traffic flow more realistic.
– This mod was tested based on the vanilla version.
– Corrupted storage files due to the mod of changing the data may not be applied properly.
– (ex: the vehicle is unable to find its way due to a change in vehicles or citizens’ behavior value, etc.)
– This mod requires time to take effect. (In-gametime 1-2days)
– This mod doesn’t change any data. When you turn off this mod, you can play it the way you used to.
– In Beta, it’s possible that the balance is not quite right.
English(translation), Korean
0.1.2 : Fixed the issue that didn’t work in a low population.
1. Realistic and Efficient PathFind
– Several PathFind have been modified.
– Realistic pattern applies to Several PathFind.
– (Buying Resources of Citizens and Trucks etc.)
– Citizen Activity Time, Company Activity Time, Rate by Population
– Unrealistic transportation choices have been modified.
2. Rush Hour System
– Apart from Random Traffic, there is rush hour between cities outside. (Rush Hour for commute and cargo)
– Commute Rush Hour Time, Cargo Truck Rush Hour Time, Rate by Population
– You can adjust the strength of rush hour.
– The difficulty level can go up with rush hour.
– (Check in the game time for at least 1-2 days, and change it)
– The function of Rush Hour System can be turned off.
3.Adjust Random Dummy Traffic
– Apart from Rush Hour System, you can turn on/off andom Dummy Traffic.
– (Car, Train, Plane, Watercraft)
– In the case of random dummy trains, it is recommended to turn them off as the lines sometimes overlap with existing trains.
4. Adjust Citizens Transportation Preference
– Adjust citizens’ preferences for taxis, public transportation, and personal cars.
– If all are set to ‘None’, citizens move on foot.
– Automatically, if citizens don’t have a persona; car, they choose between taxi and public transportation.
– Taxis bring a lot of load to game calculations, so it’s better to set it low.
5. Others
– When searching for a home, Park and Abandoned House are excluded
– The processing speed and size of pathfind simulation for searching home varies depending on the number of queues.
– The processing speed of the household behavior simulation varies depending on the number of queues.
– Spawned households of outside the city is limited by the number of queues.
– Spawned households are spawned irrespective of demand.
– Adjust personal car purchase preference.
This mod uses ‘PathfindSetupSystem’, ‘HouseholdFindPropertySystem’, ‘HouseholdSpawnSystem’, ‘TrafficSpawnerAISystem’, ‘HouseholdBehaviorSystem’
– Game 1.0.18f1
– BepInEx
it crashes my game before launching it.
thanks for creating this great mod, however, it need to update.
Diese Mod Fungsonurt bei mir nicht richtig wenn ich das spiel Starte und Anfanen will zu Bauen bekomme ich SOFORT eine Fehlermelldung die mich nur das spiel benden Lässt ich hoffe dieser Fehler Wird Gefigst und ich habe es schon Probirt Ohne andere Mods Zu spielen aber es geht Trostem nicht da die Verion Dieser mod zu alt ist und das Spiel Bereits NICHT mehr auf 1.0.18f1 ist.
I need an updated version, now! My city is full of foreign trains and cars that don’t go to my city for no reason!