Magnolia County Map v1.0.1
Magnolia County is a heavily modified version of River Delta, with plentify resources, ample flat lands, and minimal infrastructure in place. Built the city or small town of your dreams!
BepinEx is not required to play this map, had to list a dependancy. Use manual download and follow the instructions for this as it will not go into the mods folder. Don’t use the mod-manager.
Magnolia is a revised version of the River Delta map, which comes with Cities Skylines 2. The map contains many of the features of the original, with more resources, more flat ground, all utilities available at the starting tile and no overbuilt freeways. Built the metropolis of your dreams or a number of small, sleepy towns.
To install “Magnolia County”, run the Automatic Map Installer file or if you prefer to install manually, place the “Maps” folder at the following location:
%UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Colossal Order\Cities Skylines II\
The Map will then be available in the “New Game” menu when restarting Cities Skylines 2. If you can not see the map when selecting new game, restart your game.
(Update 1.0.1)
Fixed Readme (thank you TDW for replacement help and Ausiguy for template)
(Update 1.0.0)
Initial release